234 Innov8 Challenge
As part of The 234 Project’s mission to enhance “Education for all” across the country,
The 234 Project introduces 234 Innov8 Challenge for public secondary school students across the country.

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Recognizing the limitations of Nigeria’s current education system, the 234 Innov8 Challenge provides secondary students nationwide with opportunities to express their creative potential beyond the classroom. Hence, in line with The 234 Project’s vision of transforming minds and unlocking potential, the 234 Innov8 Challenge was developed.

Innovation | Solutions | Empowerment
(Target Demographic = Secondary School Students)
The challenge involves collaboration with three NGOs in the south-south, southwest, and northeast regions, reaching 5 secondary schools in each area. The project is implemented in three stages: intra-school, inter-school, and inter-region.

The 234 Innov8 Challenge is in 3 stages
First Stage
NGOs will work with schools to coordinate as many teams as possible to create solutions via art, technology, mechanical and electrical means. Team size should be between 2-4 students per team and one winning team per school will be selected by teachers and NGO. Winning team will be rewarded with 234 branded T-shirts.
Second Stage
The top team from each school will advance to the interschool Innov8 Challenge, where six schools will compete. The best team among these six will be selected by The 234 Project and 234 volunteers to represent their region. Each team at this stage will receive N30,000 in seed funds to refine their project from stage 1 to stage 2. The winning school team will be awarded a cash prize of N40,000. Additionally, all participants at this level will receive 234-branded water bottles.
Third Stage
The winning teams will be selected by The 234 Project. At this stage, the best teams in the four regions will submit video entries to present and defend their projects. The winning team will be selected and identified as the national winner of the 234 Innov8 Challenge by The 234 Project.
234 Innov8 Challenge 2.0